Friday, July 13, 2018

The Protein Diet Weight Loss Approach

The Secret Behind The Protein Diet

Proteins are extremely important for a slim body. With the protein diet described in this article, you naturally lose 2 kilos every week. In the first few weeks even up to 3 kilos per week.
Losing weight without consuming the right amount of protein is very unhealthy. It can lead to skin rash, thinning hair, breakdown of muscle tissue and more body fat. It is therefore important that you get the right amount of protein.
The spearhead of the protein diet is that you lose pleasure without feeling hungry. In this article you can read how it works, after which you can start immediately.
The biggest advantages of a high-quality protein diet:
  •  You burn excess fat without feeling hungry (up to 2 kilos per week)
  •  You get a nice and even skin
  •  You prevent (pre) binge eating later in the day
If you've been struggling to lose weight, whether it's months, days, or even years, then please pay close attention to this article because you're going to discover it's NOT your fault. The facts revealed in this article are likely to shock you! Click here to read it.

What are proteins and why do you need them?

Proteins (also called protein) are the building blocks of the body. They are needed to make muscles, tendons, organs and many other parts of your body. You need proteins to stay alive.
Proteins consist of small particles called amino acids. These amino acids are linked together in a long chain, just like the links of a bicycle chain. For example, long protein chains are formed into complex structures.
The body can produce some amino acids itself. The remaining amino acids must be ingested via food and are therefore called essential amino acids .
The 8 essential amino acids are:
  • Isoleucine
  • Leucine
  • Lysine
  • Methionine
  • Phenylalanine
  • Threonine
  • Tryptophan
  • Valine
Essential for children:
  • Cysteine
  • Tyrosine
A protein-rich diet is not just about the amount of protein that you ingest. The quality is just as important.
The quality of a protein depends on the composition of the amino acids. The more different amino acids in the right proportion in the protein occur, the higher the quality.
Animal proteins contain all necessary amino acids in the right proportion. The protein diet (or protein diet) consists of eating high-quality proteins, found in meat, fish, eggs and dairy products without added sugars.
Vegetarians and vegans may have more difficulty to follow a high-protein diet. Legumes, nuts and vegetables also contain proteins, but to a lesser extent.
  Summary: Proteins consist of long chains of amino acids. The body can not produce essential amino acids and therefore you have to get them out of food. The protein diet consists of consuming high-quality proteins.

How you can speed up your metabolism with the protein diet

The metabolism (or metabolism) is a collective term for all processes in your body that burn calories.
Also digesting food causes you to burn calories.
A study by researchers at the University of Maastricht shows that you burn 100 calories a day if your diet consists of 30% or more of proteins (that is equivalent to 30 minutes of walking!).
So you speak faster fat reserves when you eat high protein. But that's not all, because more happens when you eat protein ...
If you have an empty stomach, the inside of the stomach wall secretes a powerful hormone. This hormone is called ghrelin and is responsible for the hunger.
Ghrelin is the only hormone that can provoke a hunger, which is why it is often called 'the hunger hormone'.
Because proteins are slowly digested in the stomach, they suppress the production of the hunger hormone ghrelin. This way you eliminate a large part of your appetite.
You can still get hungry during the protein diet, but only if you are really hungry.
Because you are not hungry during the protein-rich diet, your body understands that enough energy is available. This increases the metabolism.
In this way you fall off faster and burn fat reserves more quickly (even in that difficult place).
Ghrelin is one of the twelve hormones that make losing weight very easy or very difficult. You can make the protein diet even easier by activating your own fat burning hormones.
Summary: Proteins are slowly digested and thereby increase the metabolism. This way you burn extra calories daily without any effort. Proteins limit part of your appetite because they inhibit the production of the hunger hormone Ghrelin.

The protein diet

Your body needs constant energy. This energy requirement can be obtained from three different macronutrients (energy sources):
  1. Carbohydrates: sugar, potatoes, rice, bread, pasta and noodles.
  2. Protein: meat, fish, egg, dairy and legumes.
  3. Fats: nuts, avocado, seeds, fatty fish, olive and coconut oil.
We have been advised for years to get 40% to 70% of our energy from carbohydrates. That is too much if you want to lose weight.
It is not the fats, but the carbohydrates that are the main cause of that belly. Scientific evidence has been provided from all corners of the world in the last ten years.
Macronutrients in the protein diet
Dr. Joseph Mercola says on his website that over 40% of the carbohydrates you eat are converted into (belly) fat.
It is mainly the simple carbohydrates in sugar, potatoes, white rice and bread that incite extra body fat. In the protein diet (or protein diet), on the other hand, it is important that you eat complex carbohydrates, such as quinoa, oatmeal, chickpeas and fruit.

How many grams of protein do I need daily to follow the protein diet?

The protein requirement is different per person. With a quick calculation based on the average calorie requirement you can get a good indication of the amount of protein during the protein diet.
Below is a calculation if you get 35% of your energy from proteins.
  • Women (2000 calories): a maximum of 175 grams of protein per day
  • Men (2500 calories): a maximum of 218 grams of protein per day
To make it easier, I give you an example below.
A daily schedule for a woman:
  • Breakfast: 300 grams of Greek yogurt with pieces of fruit (15 grams of protein)
  • Lunch: omelet of 2 eggs, 2 teaspoons of chia seed and spinach (16 grams of protein)
  • Super smoothie: 150 grams of low-fat quark, 20 grams of oatmeal, small hand of spinach and fruit of choice (17 grams of protein)
  • Snack: 14 unsalted almonds (4 grams of protein)
  • Dinner: 250 grams of salmon, grilled vegetables, 75 grams of brown rice and a sauce of your choice (60 grams of protein)
The example above gives you an idea of ​​how much protein you need to successfully follow the protein diet. Men can use the same schedule, thereby increasing the portions.
Unless you like it, I advise you to count every gram of protein. It does not seem to me that you want to grab your calculator during every meal. It can be easier.
The rule of thumb for the protein diet is : eat one or more items from the following list with each meal:
  • Greek yoghurt
  • Low-fat quark
  • Oatmeal
  • Meat
  • Fish
  • Eggs
  • Brown rice
  • Vegetable such as spinach, broccoli or sprouts
With this rule of thumb you get enough protein. Although you are already well on your way, you are not there yet.
If you want to lose weight and do not want to yo back to your old weight, it is essential that you follow the two guidelines below.

Protein diet guidelines (important!)

Losing weight with a protein-rich diet is pleasant and effective, but there are two things you need to take into account if you want to lose weight.
Guideline 1: Prevent rapid aging 
Low-quality proteins contain fewer different amino acids (and often in an unnatural relationship). Your body can solve the unnatural relationship of amino acids itself by breaking down proteins and rebuilding them. If you structurally eat low-quality proteins, this can cause you to age more quickly.
A handy mnemonic for distinguishing low-quality proteins is: does it not grow out of the ground or has it not had a mother? Do not eat it!
Oatmeal, nuts, seeds and fruit grow from the ground. Fish, egg and meat have had a mother and are unprocessed. They are high-quality proteins because they contain all essential amino acids in a natural ratio.
Guideline 2: Eat two servings of vegetables per day
Proteins are acidifying. This means that the acidity in your body can increase when you consume too much protein.
In contrast to proteins, vegetables reduce the acidity. Eat at least two servings of vegetables per day to optimize the acid balance in your body for the burning of fat.
A high acidity has adverse health effects. One of the consequences is the storage of acid in the fat cells. That can make weight loss more difficult.
You prevent acidification by eating two servings of vegetables per day.

Weight-loss Hack!

You should NEVER eat wheat -- Yes, even "whole wheat"
There are 3 main reasons why wheat is a terrible food for your body and does more harm than good... Click here to know the shocking truth about certain day-to-day foods that you eat!

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