Friday, July 13, 2018

The Protein Diet Weight Loss Approach

The Secret Behind The Protein Diet

Proteins are extremely important for a slim body. With the protein diet described in this article, you naturally lose 2 kilos every week. In the first few weeks even up to 3 kilos per week.
Losing weight without consuming the right amount of protein is very unhealthy. It can lead to skin rash, thinning hair, breakdown of muscle tissue and more body fat. It is therefore important that you get the right amount of protein.
The spearhead of the protein diet is that you lose pleasure without feeling hungry. In this article you can read how it works, after which you can start immediately.
The biggest advantages of a high-quality protein diet:
  •  You burn excess fat without feeling hungry (up to 2 kilos per week)
  •  You get a nice and even skin
  •  You prevent (pre) binge eating later in the day
If you've been struggling to lose weight, whether it's months, days, or even years, then please pay close attention to this article because you're going to discover it's NOT your fault. The facts revealed in this article are likely to shock you! Click here to read it.

What are proteins and why do you need them?

Proteins (also called protein) are the building blocks of the body. They are needed to make muscles, tendons, organs and many other parts of your body. You need proteins to stay alive.
Proteins consist of small particles called amino acids. These amino acids are linked together in a long chain, just like the links of a bicycle chain. For example, long protein chains are formed into complex structures.
The body can produce some amino acids itself. The remaining amino acids must be ingested via food and are therefore called essential amino acids .
The 8 essential amino acids are:
  • Isoleucine
  • Leucine
  • Lysine
  • Methionine
  • Phenylalanine
  • Threonine
  • Tryptophan
  • Valine
Essential for children:
  • Cysteine
  • Tyrosine
A protein-rich diet is not just about the amount of protein that you ingest. The quality is just as important.
The quality of a protein depends on the composition of the amino acids. The more different amino acids in the right proportion in the protein occur, the higher the quality.
Animal proteins contain all necessary amino acids in the right proportion. The protein diet (or protein diet) consists of eating high-quality proteins, found in meat, fish, eggs and dairy products without added sugars.
Vegetarians and vegans may have more difficulty to follow a high-protein diet. Legumes, nuts and vegetables also contain proteins, but to a lesser extent.
  Summary: Proteins consist of long chains of amino acids. The body can not produce essential amino acids and therefore you have to get them out of food. The protein diet consists of consuming high-quality proteins.

How you can speed up your metabolism with the protein diet

The metabolism (or metabolism) is a collective term for all processes in your body that burn calories.
Also digesting food causes you to burn calories.
A study by researchers at the University of Maastricht shows that you burn 100 calories a day if your diet consists of 30% or more of proteins (that is equivalent to 30 minutes of walking!).
So you speak faster fat reserves when you eat high protein. But that's not all, because more happens when you eat protein ...
If you have an empty stomach, the inside of the stomach wall secretes a powerful hormone. This hormone is called ghrelin and is responsible for the hunger.
Ghrelin is the only hormone that can provoke a hunger, which is why it is often called 'the hunger hormone'.
Because proteins are slowly digested in the stomach, they suppress the production of the hunger hormone ghrelin. This way you eliminate a large part of your appetite.
You can still get hungry during the protein diet, but only if you are really hungry.
Because you are not hungry during the protein-rich diet, your body understands that enough energy is available. This increases the metabolism.
In this way you fall off faster and burn fat reserves more quickly (even in that difficult place).
Ghrelin is one of the twelve hormones that make losing weight very easy or very difficult. You can make the protein diet even easier by activating your own fat burning hormones.
Summary: Proteins are slowly digested and thereby increase the metabolism. This way you burn extra calories daily without any effort. Proteins limit part of your appetite because they inhibit the production of the hunger hormone Ghrelin.

The protein diet

Your body needs constant energy. This energy requirement can be obtained from three different macronutrients (energy sources):
  1. Carbohydrates: sugar, potatoes, rice, bread, pasta and noodles.
  2. Protein: meat, fish, egg, dairy and legumes.
  3. Fats: nuts, avocado, seeds, fatty fish, olive and coconut oil.
We have been advised for years to get 40% to 70% of our energy from carbohydrates. That is too much if you want to lose weight.
It is not the fats, but the carbohydrates that are the main cause of that belly. Scientific evidence has been provided from all corners of the world in the last ten years.
Macronutrients in the protein diet
Dr. Joseph Mercola says on his website that over 40% of the carbohydrates you eat are converted into (belly) fat.
It is mainly the simple carbohydrates in sugar, potatoes, white rice and bread that incite extra body fat. In the protein diet (or protein diet), on the other hand, it is important that you eat complex carbohydrates, such as quinoa, oatmeal, chickpeas and fruit.

How many grams of protein do I need daily to follow the protein diet?

The protein requirement is different per person. With a quick calculation based on the average calorie requirement you can get a good indication of the amount of protein during the protein diet.
Below is a calculation if you get 35% of your energy from proteins.
  • Women (2000 calories): a maximum of 175 grams of protein per day
  • Men (2500 calories): a maximum of 218 grams of protein per day
To make it easier, I give you an example below.
A daily schedule for a woman:
  • Breakfast: 300 grams of Greek yogurt with pieces of fruit (15 grams of protein)
  • Lunch: omelet of 2 eggs, 2 teaspoons of chia seed and spinach (16 grams of protein)
  • Super smoothie: 150 grams of low-fat quark, 20 grams of oatmeal, small hand of spinach and fruit of choice (17 grams of protein)
  • Snack: 14 unsalted almonds (4 grams of protein)
  • Dinner: 250 grams of salmon, grilled vegetables, 75 grams of brown rice and a sauce of your choice (60 grams of protein)
The example above gives you an idea of ​​how much protein you need to successfully follow the protein diet. Men can use the same schedule, thereby increasing the portions.
Unless you like it, I advise you to count every gram of protein. It does not seem to me that you want to grab your calculator during every meal. It can be easier.
The rule of thumb for the protein diet is : eat one or more items from the following list with each meal:
  • Greek yoghurt
  • Low-fat quark
  • Oatmeal
  • Meat
  • Fish
  • Eggs
  • Brown rice
  • Vegetable such as spinach, broccoli or sprouts
With this rule of thumb you get enough protein. Although you are already well on your way, you are not there yet.
If you want to lose weight and do not want to yo back to your old weight, it is essential that you follow the two guidelines below.

Protein diet guidelines (important!)

Losing weight with a protein-rich diet is pleasant and effective, but there are two things you need to take into account if you want to lose weight.
Guideline 1: Prevent rapid aging 
Low-quality proteins contain fewer different amino acids (and often in an unnatural relationship). Your body can solve the unnatural relationship of amino acids itself by breaking down proteins and rebuilding them. If you structurally eat low-quality proteins, this can cause you to age more quickly.
A handy mnemonic for distinguishing low-quality proteins is: does it not grow out of the ground or has it not had a mother? Do not eat it!
Oatmeal, nuts, seeds and fruit grow from the ground. Fish, egg and meat have had a mother and are unprocessed. They are high-quality proteins because they contain all essential amino acids in a natural ratio.
Guideline 2: Eat two servings of vegetables per day
Proteins are acidifying. This means that the acidity in your body can increase when you consume too much protein.
In contrast to proteins, vegetables reduce the acidity. Eat at least two servings of vegetables per day to optimize the acid balance in your body for the burning of fat.
A high acidity has adverse health effects. One of the consequences is the storage of acid in the fat cells. That can make weight loss more difficult.
You prevent acidification by eating two servings of vegetables per day.

Weight-loss Hack!

You should NEVER eat wheat -- Yes, even "whole wheat"
There are 3 main reasons why wheat is a terrible food for your body and does more harm than good... Click here to know the shocking truth about certain day-to-day foods that you eat!

Friday, June 29, 2018

My Picks - Top ten Health and Fitness E-courses


I've made a list of My top Picks on E-courses available concerned with the 'Weight-loss' diet subject --

Click on the respective link to find out more -

  1. The Red Tea Detox
  2. The 2 Week Diet
  3. Fat Decimator System
  4. Lean Belly Breakthrough
  5. Old School New Body
  6. Eat Stop Eat
  7. Flat Belly Fix
  8. Fat Burning Fingerprint
  9. 3 Week Diet
  10. The Truth About The Ketogenic Diet
And now here's my list of Top picks on E-courses available concerned with the 'Muscle-Building' subject -

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Best approach to burn fat around the tummy

The best exercises to burn belly fat

I get a lot of requests on how to get rid of belly fat from people in various situations in life with different weight-loss/fitness goals. And I get it, a lot of people have the issue. Belly fat does work against your self-confidence in social situations. Also, several of these people are confused and are still searching for the right guidance and support to overcome it. So I wanted to try to address the problem covering those common but important areas where a vast majority of  where people face issues.

Did you know that caffeic acid ensures the release of fatty acids from our fat layers, which are then converted into energy, which creates an increased energetic level and makes one feel a lot clearer and fitter, in both body and mind. The chlorogenic acid provides support for the liver to process these fatty acids more efficiently, so that the metabolism is strongly stimulated and in this way contributes to the loss of excess body weight. Both of these substances are present in green coffee beans. Click here to know more. 

Abdominal fat: It is perhaps the biggest curse of anyone who wants to work on his/her body. On the rest of your body you often quickly see results when you start eating healthier. You fall off or quickly become more muscular when you have started exercising. But on your stomach ... It does not seem to matter how faithfully you work on  that belly muscle, that annoying lobe continues to bulge above your belt.
Here, I'm discussing what, in my honest opinion, are the best exercises to burn belly fat.

Why is burning belly fat difficult?

For many people, belly fat is said to be the last fat that begins to disappear. The reason for this is that your body is strongly inclined to hold the fat just like stock in this place. Certainly in women, this effect can be clearly seen, this has to do with fertility. But men can also develop a good beer belly.
One reason for this may be that they produce a lot of the stress hormone cortisol. Cortisol is the chemical responsible for the ‘fight or flight’ mechanism that all animals use for their own self-preservation or survival. As part of the survival mechanism, the hormone defensively 'sends' fat to the belly. All in all, your fat percentage as a whole must be quite low to get a flatter stomach. For men this is from about 15%, for women slightly higher, about 20%.
As I go through this topic I have to bust a few of the biggest myths about belly fat-loss.

Myth #1 - Burn belly fat can be burnt locally

Many people go against that belly fat by doing a lot of abdominal exercises. They assume that the fat on the stomach will disappear by itself. Unfortunately, that kind of 'local fat burning ' is basically impossible. Your body does not necessarily get its energy from the same place where the effort is delivered.
Instead, fat is used evenly from all over the body. After all, it is also stored: neatly distributed over your various limbs. Only certain hormones can ensure that certain places are assigned more or less fat. And with many people, these hormones have the effect that the fat on your stomach is more persistent!

Myth #2 - Strong abdominal muscles = 6 pack Abs

Abdominal exercises are not the best exercises to burn belly fat, however illogical that may sound. You can continue to do sit-ups and crunches until you drop, but that does not automatically kill that fat off your waist! The only thing you can achieve with it is that your abs will certainly become a lot stronger.
Unfortunately, that will not be very visible until you have done something about that nasty lobes. Your six pack in the making remains hidden under that 'blanket' of fat. In short: if you really want to get that flat stomach of your dreams, you can temporarily shift your focus away from abdominal muscle-building.

So How DO you lose belly fat?
Very simple: you want the fat to disappear as much as possible everywhere on your body. If you continue to burn excess fat for long enough, sooner or later that belly fat will really come into play. You will mainly have to get your fat percentage below the limits mentioned above.
To lose fat, it is important to 'consume more calories than your calorie intake'. The best exercises to burn belly fat are exercises that burn as many calories as possible.That way you create the easiest calorie deficit .

Myth #3 - Cardio is the best way to burn belly fat

When it comes to burning calories, many people think of cardio first. That is not very strange: cardio has indeed been promoted for years as the training method with which you use energy. And in a sense, it is true that during the training you lose more calories than during a strength training, for example.
Unfortunately cardio does not do anything 'structural' to accelerate fat burning .You only lose the few hundred calories during running. When you consider what you actually need to lose, which is 7,777 calories for a kilo of fat, cardio is actually a very inefficient sports method. Strength training, on the other hand, ensures more muscle buildingAnd more muscle means that you burn more calories all day long!

Exercises to burn belly fat

The best exercises to burn belly fat are therefore strength training exercises. More specifically, these are exercises that you use to create as much new muscle tissue as possible or strength exercises that you consume a lot of calories with.
In this way you profit optimally from the acceleration in your metabolism that can stimulate muscles. For this reason, you can choose the best for training large muscle groups. Your abs are only relatively small; More effective are, for example, the leg muscles, back muscles and chest and shoulder muscles.
Go especially for large, compound exercises. These are exercises that make multiple muscles move simultaneously. This allows you to grow as much new muscle mass as possible in as little time and effort as possible. And so you burn more calories in the end! Some good exercises to burn belly fat:
  • Squats (Click here to learn the best technique)
  • Lunges
  • Deadlifts
  • Barbell rows
  • Pull ups
  • Kettlebell exercises
Bent Barbell Rows

Pull-ups or Chin-ups. Shown here are the two extended positions

HIIT against abdominal fat

Are you not completely comfortable with the cardio completely omitted? Or would you like to work on your fitness for example? Of course it is certainly an option to add some cardio to your strength training. However, you do not have to go running fast for hours. It is more useful to choose High Intensity Interval Training .
This form of cardio revolves around short, explosive efforts combined with rest periods. You achieve quicker results, without losing a lot of time.

Eating to lose belly fat

Finally, there is of course another factor besides movement: your food. After all, you determine how many calories you get. This is also very important. The statement "abs are made in the kitchen" finally comes from somewhere! Please note, however, that reducing your calories does not immediately lead to a complete crash diet.
First of all, it is just incredibly unhealthy, because you will deny your body all the necessary nutrients for a longer period of time. In addition, however, it also has little effect. You will lose so many muscles that your metabolism will slow down tremendously. As soon as you start to eat normally again, you immediately regain your lost weight. Eat healthy and balanced, that's the best way to burn belly fat in the long term!

I would urge you to check out my blogpost on eating to build muscle mass. Just to keep you updated on the latest methods, please DO NOT miss out watching the video at the link below. It shows an effective science-based and completely healthy alternate to loose weight without the need for any 'Crash Dieting'!

Sunday, June 17, 2018



And now, regarding “supplements” or “slimming” products available in the market, I would put in a word of caution: There are many slimming products for sale, but the effect of these agents is not proven. These slimming agents can also cause unpleasant side effects (which you were already trying to get rid of in the first place! :-) ). Therefore, all my recommendations would be based on a deeper understanding of your diet today and how you could take that into your control, so that your weight also gets into your control.

The theory behind the diet that I recommended here is to reverse the unintentional JNK-gene activation, balance the hormones, adrenaline and cortisol and ensure that the nutrients that naturally lead to weight loss are re-introduced into the cells. And this would be the correct approach.

For this, I would suggest this article by an expert who I happen to know. His name is Mike Geary and he gives some marvelous insights into our daily diet and breaks it down to how it affects us weight-wise and how we could take control of it. Here’s the link to it.


I could also suggest you this solution here which has benefitted a lot my friends. It is a simple detox tea recipe that you can do on your own and works wonders. You can find out more about it here in this link-


And now here’s a bonus tip - 


From a psychological perspective, I believe that sometimes, it might be good to check your level of self-confidence. I say this because society, at large, is influenced by media images and articles where tall, slim and thin (sometimes even malnutrition-ed!) is considered the benchmark. So, the next time you catch yourself saying that you don’t feel good about the way you look, please do a reality-check as to what REALLY is considered good-looking. Is this idea of good-looking your own honest opinion, or is it somebody else’s opinion you agree to just to blend in with society? Please do ponder on this.
Surround yourself with people who cheer you up. Do your utmost to invest time and energy in the relationships that have a positive influence on you. Whether it is one or two real friends, or a large group of supporters, ensure that you meet regularly, or call these people who give you a good feeling about yourself. Because, we are the sum average of the 5 people who we spend the most time with.